12 Days on the Gibb River Road
Part 2

If you're just tuning in now, this 3 part blog series is from a 12 day trip across the Gibb River Road from West to East.

It was late June 2020 and the tail end of the covid19 restrictions were taking affect to Western Australia.

We were very fortunate to have the freedom to still travel within our region – so we took to the bitumen (then dirt) to explore the Gibb River Road!

At the time there were a few common misconceptions that nothing was really open on the Gibb, however we spent a solid 12 days camping and exploring and definitely could have stayed longer.

If you'd like to keep it all in order and hear about days 1-4, you can read part 1 first here: 12 Days on the Gibb River Road - Part 1

Click to view map full screen and zoom in

Day 5

Woke up: Mt Hart Wilderness Lodge (camping)
Visited: Dolerite Gorge, lookout
Overnight: Free camp (lookout)
Cost: $0

With only a handful of other people in the campground at Mt Hart, it was a beautiful morning to wake up to the sounds of birds and our surroundings once again. The temperature was still cool so definitely didn't take our jumpers off for the first few hours. I could see our campfire still slightly smouldering looking down from the view of the roof top tent, bringing back that familiar smell and reminder of how beautiful it is to be out here, living easy. I relit the fire to warm up a tad for the first part of the morning.

Following this was a very slow morning. Not having to be anywhere, do anything, meet anyone - is one of the best feelings and a stark contrast to normal busy lives. After breakfast and packing up camp, we took the short drive to the lesser known Dolerite Gorge, accessible when staying at Mt Hart.

Dolerite Gorge is a short rocky walk to get to the end pool. The red and grey rocks reminded me of that in the Pilbara, around the Python Pool area. The water in the pool was quite stagnant and hot so we walked a little further up. (At the time we didn't realise we had passed the 'main pool' so kept on walking). We came up to a pristine creek surrounded by shady gum trees. With not another person in sight, we had a swim. The water temperature was cool but definitely refreshing, which made the walk absolutely worth it.

We departed around 3:00pm and began to head toward Bell Gorge. However we came across an incredible lookout spot and just couldn't leave! It overlooked the range surrounding Bell Gorge down below, along with the wide plains covered with dense trees. As it was slightly later in the arvo and considering that the sun sets just after 5:00pm around this time of year, the golden sunset colours were already creeping in.

This campsite is marked on the WikiCamps app and there are a few rock circles set up for fires, it was obvious to see why it was an attractive place to camp. We popped up the roof top tent, gathered some firewood, set up the camp chairs and watched the sun set on another magic day on the Gibb.

Sunset provided gorgeous light over the range in the distance and it was fantastic watching a car in the distance leaving the dust trail behind which caught the rich golden light perfectly. We only counted 10 cars drive past, if that, during the time we were here - so lucky to have this view all to ourselves. It's one of the only campsites at a high elevation with a great view on the Gibb, so it wasn't taken for granted.

(Side note: That night I realised I left our floodlight tied to a tree at the Mt Hart campsite! If anyone found this - would love to have it back! Haha)

Day 6

Woke up: Free camp (lookout)
Visited: Lookout, Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge)
Overnight: Dulundi (Silent Grove) Campground
Cost: $17 per person (plus park pass)

Waking to the sunrise in the distance from out campsite on top of the lookout was amazing. After a relaxed morning and some brekky, at about 9:00am it was time to head to Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge). We arrived at Dulundi (Silent Grove) Campground which only had a few others set up camp, which allowed us to find a perfect spot under the trees up the back, close to the creek behind the campsite.

The best part about having no plan... is having no plan! We set up camp then ended up laying down under the trees for the next few hours. We weren't alone, accompanied by many curious bowerbirds. These are the Great Bowerbirds (Chlamydera nuchalis), found all across the top end of Australia. If you haven't heard of these before, they are one of the coolest birds in the Kimberley! The way they move, jump and twist their neck to look at you with an inquisitive stare means that you can get lost watching them for hours.

Bowerbirds are most well-known for the male gathering items in the same colour, commonly grey in the Kimberley, however can be blue, green or other colours in other locations - to place on the outside of his 'castle' a cleverly built upright nest on the ground. (All this work is of course to impress the female). The males also adorn a magnificent magenta crest on the back of their neck, when it's fully extended it can look like beautiful bright pink or purple flower. You can see the beginning of the crest opening in the photos below.

The afternoon took us on to Bell Gorge, being the only people down at the bottom pool. As this spot is accessible and closer to Broome and Derby, it's unheard of to visit and not have anyone else there during a normal season. Those who have been here will know the water in the bottom pool is icy cold, however no way was this going to keep us away from a swim! We had the last bit of direct sunlight on the rock to warm up with after the swim which was so nice.

Next was a bit of rock climbing to arrive to a prime position in the ledge to wait for the afterglow of colours in the gorge after sunset. It was just as I had imagined and better, the rocks took on a deep rick red colour and the reflections on the water softened until we were met with what looked like a painting. There's something really special about simply sitting and taking in the view after the sun is long gone and the landscape is transitioning into night.

Bell Gorge landscape prints can be found here: Print Store

Day 7

Woke up: Dulundi (Silent Grove) Campground
Visited: Dalmanyi (Bell Gorge)
Overnight: Dulundi (Silent Grove) Campground
Cost: $17 per person (plus park pass)

As on all camping trips, it's not just relaxing days and amazing waterfalls all time - normal life duties still have to be done. We used this morning to catch up on washing clothes, giving the kitchen items a thorough wash and a general tidy up of the camp. Once again, done at a leisurely holiday-mode pace.

We explored Bell Gorge for a second time, this time with, shock horror, other people swimming at the bottom! Having been so spoilt for the last few days with no one else around, it was a new feeling to see more people in these spots. It was a Saturday so we were guessing it was people coming in from Broome or Derby for the weekend, what a life.

Instead of heading down to the bottom pool we explored a bit further upstream above the waterfall. The creek goes on and on with pristine water and numerous pools. As the end of the day was nearing, it was the perfect opportunity to spend some time at the top pool above the main waterfall. This pool creates gorgeous light late in the afternoon and beautiful reflections. It's also like the ultimate infinity pool, as you look out over the falls and down the gorge.

After we had walked back to the car I realised I had left my sunnies down on the waterfall, so back we went. Seeing the falls and the gorge long after dusk when it was almost pitch black was just beautiful. We turned the torches off and let our eyes adjust. A few stars were starting to come out and there were many things rustling around our feet (never let your mind wander about these haha). It worked out to be ideal as we got to see the gorge and falls in an even more serene state.

Day 8

Woke up: Dulundi (Silent Grove) Campground
Visited: Adcock Gorge, Galvans Gorge
Overnight: Mt Elizabeth Station
Cost: $44 per night

Do I need to describe what it was like waking up? By now it's hopefully apparent that each morning was amazing and I loved every minute, with chilly dry season weather, smells of the bush, sounds of the birds, slight breeze and excitement for the day ahead.

Today there was once again no real plan, however the morning's plan was made for us. One of the water container's had leaked throughout the back of the car, soaking the carpet, yayyy. This meant unloading everything out of the back, moving the car so that the open door was facing directly into the sun, unscrewing the plastic covers holding down the carpet, propping up the carpet with items we had, and leaning up the battery powered camp fan blowing directly onto the carpet. Not really a biggie in the scheme of things, although those who have had water soak the lining in their car will understand the smell that was potentially upon us. Our drying out tactics worked woo hoo, and it actually worked out to be beneficial as we rearranged everything in the back of the car and into order for the last few days.

Adcock Gorge was the next spot, a small but beautiful location on the Gibb. We walked to the end where the falls usually flow after rain and simply enjoyed the calmness of the shade on the cool rocks. The water was a bit green and stagnant, although I am sure it was fine to swim, we headed off to the next swimming spot.

Galvans Gorge is a hidden gem and a favourite of many during their Gibb River Road trip. The waterfall was just trickling, however this made for pristine, glassy water below. There was a slight cool breeze that would occasionally blow through, bringing down leaves and nuts from the trees above into the waterhole. One white cockatoo sat on the tree above the waterfall just chilling out and seeing what we were up to. We were secretly hoping he would come down closer for a chat.

I'm not sure how long we were here as we were just consumed by this place and completely soaking it all in. Only when the sun started to disappear we realised it was probably time to move on and find camp for the night. We drove past the SWEK sign which means we were now entering our home, the East Kimberley!

Arriving late after dark into Mount Elizabeth Station meant we would wake up the next day to see all that was around us for the first time. What we did notice that night however, was the most amazing brand new ablution block. (For those who don't camp much may think I sounds ridiculous being excited by this, however those that are on the road lots will know how much you appreciate amazing shower blocks when they are there!)

The showers were huge with beautiful hot water and powerful shower heads, the perfect way to wind down after big days of exploring and being on the road. Although the campground is quite small, there were only a couple of other set ups at the time which made it feel really spacious.

Had a great sleep and excited to see what the next day would bring once the sun was up.

If you have any questions about the trip please contact me, always happy to chat. 🙂

Landscape prints from this blog post can be found here: Print Store

For all planning and current information regarding access, please visit:
- Derby Visitor Centre website
- Derby Visitor Centre Facebook page
- Kununurra Visitor Centre website
- Kununurra Visitor Centre Facebook page

Stay tuned for Part 3...

(Read Part 1 here)

The Hoochery Distillery
Business Images

14th December 2020

The Hoochery Distillery is the oldest continuous legal operating in WA and has been running for over 25 years! From a small humble Kununurra business, it's so great to see the Hoochery thriving today, whilst not moving away from their family-orientated and down to earth feel.

The Hoochery was seeking a new set of imagery for the business to be used in social media, their website and general promo / info material.

After several planning days, we set the dates for the shoot over two days in hot and humid December, getting in just before Xmas.

The aim was to capture images of the products, the process of making cocktails, life at the distillery, staff photos and anything else that popped up on the day. One of the goals was to capture the Argyle Pink Gin with its own look, as its quite different from the rum. The rum and whiskey are suited to warm, dark, rustic colours, whist the gin is more suited to whites, light tones and pops of colour.

The majority of the surroundings in the Hoochery are rustic so we needed something to use as a backdrop for the gin. No backdrop? No worries! Kalyn had a piece of ply and an old top of a barrel that she sprayed white. Perfect! We used this for the gin photos and pouring of cocktails, worked a treat.

Rayleigh was on cocktail duty, whilst it may look like it was a cruisy day at the bar sipping cocktails, there was a lot of work put into making them look just as we had envisaged.

This would have to be one of my favourite shoots to date. Kalyn and the team put complete trust in me to produce the images they were seeking, which allowed me to get creative and come up with the range of photos you see below.

I love working with small business, even more so when they support other small local business such as myself. There's a great vibe at the Hoochery, which I'm sure everyone who has visited would agree. If not, hopefully the warm, welcoming and authentic vibe shines through these images!

Feel like purchasing rum, whiskey or gin of your own, or learning more about their story? Click here: The Hoochery Distillery Website

Welcome to the World, Baby Jordan

1st December 2020

Super cute baby Jordan Lodge arrived at the start of November 2020.

We spent some time at Chelsea and Dylan's house capturing memories while she is still tiny.

Such a special afternoon!

If you would like to learn more about at home photo sessions, click here: Photo Session Packages

Little Alora & Family

19th November 2020

Baby Alora! Ever so cute and almost walking on her own.

We spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine and exploring the boab tree forest. Alora's grandparents and aunty were in town, so it was the perfect opportunity to capture some beautiful family photos all together.

If you would like to book in some family photos of your own, or as a gift for someone else, further info can be found here: Photo Session Packages

$500 Print Voucher Xmas Giveaway

10th November 2020

Yep you guessed it, it’s that time already! Each year there’s a huge influx of orders in the lead up to Xmas – so I wanted to make sure no one misses out.

Deadline dates for print orders are as follows.

Deliveries Australia-wide
- Framed Prints: 19 November
- Canvas Prints: 19 November
- Acrylic Prints: 19 November
- Fine Art Prints: 10 December

Pick-up from North Perth
- Framed Prints: 3 December
- Canvas Prints: 3 December
- Acrylic Prints: 3 December
- Fine Art Prints: 17 December

(Whilst it may be possible to produce work after these dates, it's super important to get in early as dispatch couriers are very busy this time of year.)

Orders can be made online here: Print Store

Now, time for the good stuff…

As a nice little incentive to get your orders in on time, anyone who places an order for landscape prints before the end of November 2020, will go in the draw to win a $500 landscape print gift voucher!

Any landscape print order made through the online store will be eligible (no minimum spend) - including fine art, canvas, framed and acrylic. Once you have placed your order you will automatically go in the draw.

If you are the lucky winner, you can choose to pass on the gift voucher to a loved one, order a print for someone with the voucher, or make it a treat yo-self gift – the choice is yours!

The winner will be drawn at random at the start of December.

If ordering a print has been lingering in the back of your mind, now could be the perfect time with this huge giveaway.

Don't forget it's free shipping Australia-wide!

Please ensure you are following my Facebook page for the announcement.

Time for a browse? Click here to see Kimberley landscape prints.

Baby Alex at Home

2nd October 2020

What a delight! Capturing these photos of brand new baby Alex at home. Parents Adrienne and Mat were oh so proud of their new addition who had only been home a few days.

Alex was so so tiny and adorable, enjoying time with his mum and dad. I saw a photo of Alex a few weeks later and couldn't recognise him at all, I forgot how quickly babies grow! Just goes to show no matter how crazy the first few days / weeks are with your newborn, it's always worth booking in a photo session to capture those precious moments and tiny details.

If you would like to book in a home session for yourself, or as a gift for an expecting mum or parents, click here for further information: Photo Session Packages

Kununurra Diversion Dam
New Viewing Area Opening

14th September 2020

On Monday 14 September 2020, Water Corporation and (Miriuwung Gajerrong) MG Corporation officially unveiled the new Ord River Diversion Dam viewing area.

The project took over six months to establish and was officially opened by the Water Corporation's General Manager, Barry Ford, and Executive Chair of MG Corporation, Lawford Benning.

The viewing area shows a spectacular view of the dam with interpretive signage that explains the history of the Ord River project in English, whilst also detailing the rich cultural history of the Miriuwung people and language. More information here.

Following the unveiling was a celebration BBQ at Swim Beach. This was a great opportunity for everyone involved to reflect on this achievement in our community. It was a hot September day and all those involved enjoyed the cooler afternoon weather under the trees by the Ord River.

Waringarri dancers invited visiting Water Corporation members to join them up front for a performance of local songs, with elders singing and on didgeridoo.

MG Corporation at Water Corporation partnered with Kununurra Historical Society, Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language and Culture Centre and Waringarri Arts Centre.

It was an honour to capture the images for this special day in Kununurra's history.

WA Government Media Statement here

Viewing Area Unveiling

Celebration by the Ord River

Kununurra Wedding Under the Boab Trees
Katie & Michael

8th August 2020

Katie and Michael held a beautiful Kimberley wedding in Kununurra in August 2020.

Although the wedding size was slightly adjusted due to travel restrictions, it in no way took away from the magic of the day.

The ceremony was held within a field of boab trees on a property set on the banks of the Ord River. The intimate ceremony with under 20 guests was heartfelt and celebrated by close friends and family. Those who couldn't make it followed along from home via video streaming cleverly put together by Natika from TikTech Solutions, bringing those near and far together for the day. (Michael's mum was even able to attend in the form of a cardboard cut out!)

After congratulations and some drinks and grazing platters, we headed for the helicopter that had landed at the front of the property to take us on a photo adventure. (I know, tough life!) We soared over Kununurra and the Ord River, to then land in the most magnificent ranges not too far from town, a spot I haven't been to before. The view was incredible as we were surrounded by bright yellow kapok trees and the spinifex lighting up beautifully with the afternoon sun. As the sun began to set I was in photographer's heaven as I snapped away creating special memories for the newlyweds.

The reception was held at their home with an exquisite menu created by chef Rick in the house kitchen. The set up was a beautiful long table dinner put together by Katie to end a perfect day.

Such an incredible day that I was very lucky to be a part of.

Catering: Cornerside Cafe
Hair: Thomas & Co Hair
Makeup: Hair & Beauty Retreat
Flowers: Oria Orchards
Celebrant: Judy Hughes
Helicopter: HeliSpirit
Live Video Streaming: TikTech Solutions

Ord Together 2020

18th September 2020

The Ord Together Dinner Celebration was hosted by the East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Friday night. 

A stunning Kimberley cocktail dinner under the stars at Lake Kununurra Golf Club, showcasing beautiful local produce and operators from the Ord Valley.

Incredibly delicious tasting plates from:
Black Tapas
Ivanhoe Cafe
Dinner at 7
Needa Poffertje
Hoochery Distillery

Cocktails by: 
Hoochery Distillery

Live music by:
Patu OneDrop and Archie DJ Stylish

Amazing host venue: 
Lake Kununurra Golf Club

After a rollercoaster few months, it was a such a fabulous event and to see everyone come together to celebrate everything East Kimberley was just magic. 

The East Kimberley Business Forum, Business After Hours and Ord Together Dinner Celebration were made possible by Horizon Power, Rio Tinto Argyle Diamonds and the East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

East Kimberley Business Forum

Ord Together Dinner Celebration

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